Be it on the original Nintendo Game Boy or its many great iterations with the likes of Tetris DS and Tetris 99, just to name a few of the over 200+ ports that exist of this game. But that legacy not only carries weight, but also a sort of pressure. How can you T-spin Tetris in a new direction after so many variants and versions have come before. Resonair found a quite simple answer with the original Tetris Effect: emphasise the immersive and entrancing natures of the game with a vibrant, ever-changing visual style and music. Tetris Effect: Connected has to compromise these visuals a little bit, but in the end feels like the best way to play Tetris on your Nintendo Switch.
It’s already a given that competitive players are going to have fun with this, especially when there are multiple variations of traditional Tetris gameplay. If you’re someone like me who’s a bit more chill, though, I promise you will still have a great time with this game. I especially recommend trying out the Connected Mode if you’re a more laid-back player, too, because there’s more leeway there.
At its core, the line-clearing gameplay is just like any other Tetris game, including all the modern techniques like hard drops and T-spins, although it also introduces an inspired ‘Zone’ mechanic where time stops, creating the illusion of entering a transcendent flow state, giving you the chance to clear even more lines all the way up to the top. These all drive the immersive sensations as you’re playing to visual backdrops that wouldn’t look out of place on a big stage for a music festival. The soundtrack itself is similarly sublime, progressing from verse to chorus based on the number of lines you’ve cleared, while the game speed also changes in accordance with the mood or tempo of the music rather than simply speeding up like in a traditional game of Tetris.
The Connected part in Tetris Effect: Connected comes from its multiplayer additions that have been added to other versions over time. These multiplayer modes worked great in my experience and bring some much needed variety to the game. Unlike Tetris 99, where competition is key, in Connected-mode, you play together with other players against a mysterious piece in the middle of a universe. You each have your own boards and try to rack up a score, while this piece throws obstacles and hindrances at you and the other players. Once you’ve filled up the zone-meter, you get connected with the other two players. This is where each individual board turns into a single combined board and players take turns in dropping blocks to remove lines. The more lines removed, the more damage is being done to the mysterious piece. Gameplay is super solid in this mode and I’ve found it a lot of fun because unlike other Tetris competitive modes, you actually feel as if you are working together. If there’s a game over, players can be revived to keep playing. The other multiplayer modes are a bit more classic. Such as a score attack and zone mode, which transfers all the lines cleared when using Zone to the other player as an obstacle. Resonair has also been keeping up with weekly events, allowing players to unlock special avatars to use in competitions and show off online. The game also fully s
I thought I had seen it all with Tetris 99, so I’m really impressed to see how the brand keeps moving forward and giving us new things to try out. I’m not sure how the hardcore Tetris masters are going to feel about this one, but for a casual fan like me, this is about as good as it gets.
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